

Our approach to sales



Our pricing is totally transparent - you don't have to "Request a quote" and be contacted by a member of the "Sales Team". We don't actually have "Sales" people, we only have "Support" people.



You don't have to "Request a demo" to get a feel for how our software looks and feels. There are plenty of screenshots and videos of our software in action. Go to the "Videos" page and see for yourself.



If you like what you see in the prices and FAQ's below get in touch. We are looking forward to supporting you and your business.

Pricing and Licensing FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


There are no hidden extras, no additional charges and no surprises. You don't have to click your way through several pages to find the cost. Nor do you have to contact us for a pricing "Quote". Our prices are displayed at the top of this page. Simple.

When you purchase you get 12 months of support, updates and access to the help desk. Updates include all minor and major releases. The license is perpetual (non expiring).

After 12 months you can choose to renew your support subscription for another 12 months and continue to receive updates and support. If you choose not to renew the support the software will still continue to work in exactly the same way as before.

The annual support cost is just 20% of the initial purchase. It is not automatic and we do not take renewal payments automatically. We send out email reminders when your subscription is due for renewal and you make the choice.

All prices are in UKP. Other payment currencies may be specified during the order process.

All fields, help files and manuals are in English. Things like currency and date formats use whatever is set in your windows localization.

The address database comes with full UK postcodes, towns and county regional data. The equivalent USA zipcode data is available for installation. Other country data can be added manually on an as needed basis.

The vast majority of businesses prefer the convenience of digital download. This also enables us to keep costs down. We can ship physical media on USB memory stick in plain box format and the shipping charge is £45.

Anyone who logs on to the system is a user.

Some organizations might want to have one person only having full and total access to the system. Alternatively you might want to have different people with different roles and different responsibilities.

For instance "Bob" can access "Holidays" and "Absences". Whereas "Alice" can access everything apart from "Disciplinaries" and "Grievances". However "Manager" can access everything.

Each user has their own login and password and it is easy to organize their Roles and Responsibilities.

The "Superuser" is the Administrator of the system and sets up the system and configuration. The Superuser is the person who installs and upgrades the software. They create new users and perform maintenance tasks.

When someone logs on as Superuser they cannot see confidential employee information. In fact they have no access at all to any data that is not Administrative.

As far as we are concerned the Superuser is a named person and the one we deal with regarding support. Some organizations will want to give this role to an "IT" person.

A "Computer" is wherever you install a copy of the application. It may be a PC or a Virtual Machine (VM).

A "Site" is wherever you store the database containing all your employee information. On a "Single Computer" installation this could be stored on the same computer that the application is installed.

Alternatively it can be somewhere on your network and accessed by multiple users on multiple computers simultaneously.

Some large organizations will want to have multiple independent sites managing independent databases.

Yes, contact our support team and they will provide you with a formal quote.


Your license code ensures your copy of the software works perpetually and never expires. Each copy of the software needs a unique license code to work.

No, licenses never expire, but they will only be valid for builds released before your subscription expires.

When your payment has cleared you will receive a confirmation email. This contains a link to your online invoice and each product purchased has a download link.

If, for any reason, you are unhappy with the software we will unconditionally refund you 100% of the purchase price within 28 days of the purchase date.

Whenever a new version becomes available we email all customers eligible for upgrades. The email contains a direct link to the upgrade.

If you have current support for the existing licenses, they will be credited towards the new license purchase. Contact our support team.

We send out renewal reminders before your subscription expires with details on how to renew. You can go to Subscriptions to renew.

No. Depending on how long ago your support expired, you can either just catch up on your support or purchase an upgrade. Contact our support staff for a price.

No need to buy a "Growing Teams". If you have two "Single Computer" licenses you can link them together. You can always add extra licenses and link them together.

Training Database

The Training Database is identical to the Live version but is populated with a number of imaginary employees with imaginary employment histories. In this way you can train your users using a safe environment.

The Training Database is identical to the Live version but is populated with a itemnumber of imaginary employees with imaginary employment histories. In this way you can train your users using a safe environment.

We recommend that the most effective and fastest way to train users is one person at a time. Or, at most, groups of two.

On the other hand, having multiple installations of the training database can mean larger and more complex organizations can simulate scenarios in real time.

No, each licence ID you have can be used for one purchased copy of the main application and one purchased copy of the training database.

The training database has a small itemnumber (generally about 30) of Employee, Ex-Employee and Candidate records. They are all imaginary, made-up records of imaginary made-up people usually created when we do training.

We also have a training database that contains over 1000 such records. This large database can be made available on special request for large organizations that want to stress-test in specific network environments.


Almost all problems can be resolved using the standard free support. However, because every business is unique, we recognize that sometimes you might need a little expert help. Our team are available should you need it.

Yes, we can. Our team can help with importing data and configuration. Someone in your organization will need to have some knowledge of your old system and how to export data from it.

Typically your old system will export data to a specific file format which is often SQL, CSV, JSON or Excel.

Similarly, in the event that you want to migrate from our system we have made it easy to export your data.


We are highly skilled using Excel and most upgrades from Excel can be done simply. Talk with our support team or with your named support person.

Possibly, but not in the way you might expect.

We can make most changes and if an existing customer makes a good suggestion we will incorporate it in a future upgrade. But, we would not want to charge a consultancy fee for such a change. In fact we may reward you for your great idea.

A lot of things you might wish to change can, actually, be made by yourself already - the system can be customized to be suitable for most needs.

Our support is via zoom, vnc, email and telephone.

Talk with our support team or with your named support person. They will get to understand what you want to achieve and give you an accurate account of how much time would be needed.

When you are ready to commission us you can book the time from our store.